Below is a data set consisting of 33 whole-number observations. Its five-number summary is:


What is the range of the data?

A. 6
B. 16
C. 24
D. 30

Below is a data set consisting of 33 whole-number observations. Its five-number summary is:


How many observations are strictly less than 20?

A wide variety of oak trees grow in the United States, In one study, a sample, of acorns was collected from different locations, and their volumes, in cm^3, were recorded. In the table are the summary statistics for these data:

Statistic | Value
N | 38
Mean | 3.0
Median | 1.8
St.Dev. | 2.6
Minimum | 0.3
Maximum | 10.5
1st Quartile | 1.1
3rd Quartile | 4.3

Describe a procedure that uses some or all of these summary statistics to determine whether outliers are present in the data.

Show the work using the procedure from the previous question to determine if there are outliers in these data.