Produce a one hundred to one hundred fifty word instructional document reviewing the "do's and don'ts" of the love potion. It should be a how-to guide explaining how to use the magic of the love potion without ruining the lives of those it affects. Include a reader-friendly format, such as bulleted and numbered lists where appropriate, any supporting visuals, and brief chunks of easy to understand information. Maintain a tone that is consistent for your perspective (as Puck) and for your audience (fairies). Use the upload button or the space below to submit your work.

Respuesta :

In your writing of 100 to 150 words you can include the following:
1. Describe the love potion. you can invent the ingredients of that love potion and to warn that if a person is allergic or intolerant to some of the ingredients, better not drinking it.
2. Instructions to prepare the potion: You can add the recipe of the love potion. Try to imagine really funny ingredients so that you can have more vocabulary to talk about the potion. Include some Dont's like do not include more than 2 drops of x ingredient or do not mix with water.
3. Prescriptions, symptoms and testimonials: You can also use a lot of do's and don't's by saying what type of person can drink the potion. You may include that animals can or cannot drink it, as an example. Include symptoms to know if it is working or is not. Describe the good and bad symptoms to add more interesting stuff. You can include testimonials of people who have already taken the potion and how they recommend their usage
I won't write this for you, because I know (A) you totally got this and (B) your teachers would be able to tell the difference in writing styles. However here are a few ideas to get you going.

- in your mind what would a love potion do?
- what are some ways it could back fire, and how would you prevent that if you could use magic?
- should someone obtain a love potion that doesn't know how to use it, would that be harmful to them?

Keep thinking of these types of questions and answer them, but keep it somewhat light because your audience if fairies.

I hope this helps you get off on the right foot!