(Please answer genuinely, and do not answer just for points, if you do, your answer will be deleted, and those points you earned will be taken away...)
6. What is a "bailarín"? (1 point)
 A.) a male dancer
 B.) an athlete
 C.) a female dancer

8. Which of these built an ancient civilization? (1 point)
 A.) Costa Ricans
 B.) Tegucigalpa
 C.) Mayans

9. What is punta? (1 point)
 A.) a typical dance
 B.) a typical doll
 C.) a typical dish

** It is highly recommended that you put the worded answer with the letter answer...
** You do not need to give an explanation on why the answer is what it is, but if you do, your answer will be approved.
** Your answer will also be approved if it is the correct answer...
** Your answer will only be removed if it does not answer the question(s) and/or if you do not but the worded answer with the letter answer...