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College Interview Questions
Be Prepared for These Questions
by Allen Grove
Updated July 01, 2017
Most college interview questions are meant to help you and the interviewer find out if the college is a good match for you. Rarely will you get a question that puts you on the spot or tries to make you feel stupid. Remember, the college is trying to make a good impression too. Use the interview to show off your personality in ways that aren't possible on the application.
Below are some typical questions and some suggestions for answering them. When you've mastered them, check out more interview questions. Also be sure to avoid these common interview mistakes. If you're wondering what to wear, here are some tips for men and women.
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Tell Me About Yourself
College interview
Hill Street Studios / Getty Images
This question seems easier than it is. How do you reduce your whole life to a few sentences? And it's hard to avoid commonplace answers like "I'm friendly" or "I'm a good student." Of course, you want to demonstrate that you're friendly and studious but try also to say something memorable here that really makes you different from other college applicants. Can you hold your breath longer than anyone in your school? Do you have a huge collection of Pez dispensers? Do you have unusual cravings for sushi? If it suits your personality, a little quirkiness and humor can work well when answering this question. More »