Factual data is always the best data because it is based on facts.


You are trying to sell a new product to a store owner. Which method of presentation is likely the most effective?

a chart showing how sales will go up if they use this product

quotes from other store owners on success of this product

a free trial option to use the product for six months, no questions asked

all of these
A presentation is always in front of a group of people.


Humor should never be used in a presentation as it will distract your audience.


Which of these words does not describe factual data?




It is always better to run over and give more information when you are giving a presentation versus quitting on time.


In a newspaper advertisement for a hybrid car, which of these presentation methods would be most effective?

a chart showing the rising price of gas

a list of the most expensive gas stations in the city

a technical diagram of the hybrid engine and why it works

a quote from a famous actress on why she bought a hybrid
During your research on a topic, you run across a blog site where several people posted that fuel prices have gone up 10% in the last six months. You can provide this data in your presentation as which of the following?

Gas prices have gone up 10% in the last six months.

People across the country are reporting that gas prices have gone up 10% in the last six months.

Typical of opinions across the country, users on blahblah-blog.com have mentioned that gas prices have gone up 10% in the last six months.

Although there are rumors about increased gas prices, there is no factual data.
You use Webshots to create desktop slide shows for your personal screen saver. Your boss asks you to display your screen so that customers on the street can see your screen saver. What photos are fair game for this slide show?

any photo found on the Internet

any photo you take with a digital camera

any photo on wikipedia.org

any photo on Yahoo's "most viewed photos"
In general, a presentation to kindergartners should be less abstract than a presentation to corporate executives.



Respuesta :

Answer to Q1:

The statement is true


Factual data is the one that is based on facts and figures. It is not based on just observations; theories or personal interpretations. Factual Data also provides accurate risk evaluation with greater efficiency and it can be used in any situation or data collection method. It is a trusted and reliable source that can be used as evidence.

Answer to Q2.

The correct option is All of these


In order to sell a new product to a store owner, taking the store owner into trust is the most important stage. We must provide proper details and the proofs that our product will make his business more effective. All of the above statements are part of the deal and they can be used to assure the store owner that the product we are selling to him is trustworthy.  

Answer to Q3.

The statement is True


A presentation can be defined as a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience. So audience is important factor for presentation. Without an audience or people, the presentation is just like talking to oneself. Moreover, the objective of presentation is to motivate or persuade others therefore having audience Is necessary.

Answer to Q4.

The given statement is False


Humor is a powerful communication tool. It can gain attention, create harmony, and make a presentation more memorable. It can also relieve tension, motivate an audience, and enhance the reputation of presenter if it’s used appropriately. Emotions are very important for an event so humor being a part of emotions can make a presentation more memorable and effective.  

Answer to Q5.

The words that do not describe factual data are observation and opinion.


As we know that factual data is based on facts and figures. It is not based on just observations, therefore observation and opinion based data cannot be considered as factual data. As the name suggests, factual data needs facts and facts are always calculated and measured. They cannot be created merely on the basis of observation or opinion. Experiment is necessary for factual data therefore opinion and observation are not a part of actual data.

Answer to Q 6.

The statement is True


A presentation is given to convince people and persuade them for a certain cause. Therefore, authentic information and facts and figures should be provided to audience. Time killing and just talking to pass the time is not the proper way for presentation. If we just quit on time instead of giving authentic facts, then the audience get irritate and no more interested in the presentation.  

Answer to Q 7.

The correct option is a chart showing the rising price of gas


Conventional vehicles use gasoline or diesel to power an internal combustion engine but A hybrid car is the one that can use both a conventional engine and electric motor. The best hybrid cars achieve better fuel efficiency than their non-hybrid counterparts. The chart that shows the rising price of gas will be effective because it can make the customers realize that a hybrid car may save their money by using electric motor inside the car instead of using gas.

Answer to Q8.

The correct answer should be Typical of opinions across the country, users on blahblah-blog.com have mentioned that gas prices have gone up 10% in the last six months.


Any data in a presentation should be based on research and facts plus authentic figures and calculation that can be based on authentic source. So it means that a source is required to assure the audience about the reliability of data. If the presentation says that people across the country have xyz opinion but the source of that information is not given, then the information may be thought as false or incorrect therefore the blog website must be provided to make the arguments stronger.

Answer to Q9.  

The correct option is any photo you take with a digital camera


The question says that the boss is asking to present own screen so to represent own screen one must show own photos taken by personal camera. These photos must be the same that are taken by personal digital camera. Photos taken from internet or any other source cannot be taken into consideration for own presentation. Personal digital camera photos make more impression on audience because they represent reality.

Answer to Q 10.

The given statement is True


The mental level and cognitive approach of kindergarten kids is very different from mature and aged people. Children in younger age cannot understand abstract images or presentation because their social life exposure and mental level is not well adequate. Therefore there must be a difference between the presentation presented to kindergarten kids and corporate executives.