Respuesta :
Answer and Explanation:
1) Don Lollo was allways picking fights and getting into lawsuits for every little thing. He was known for being a problematic men. He got into a fight with the people he sent the new jar to be made. The jar was supposed to contain whatever increase production of olive oil the the harvest would produce.
Once he had the new expensive jar he stored in a humid grape-crashing shed. People advice him this wasn´t a good idea but he didn´t listen and kept it there anyways.
2) Don Lollo hired Zi Dima because one day the jar broke and Dima was well known for having a very good cement glue that could fix the jar.
3) Dima meant that he didn´t agree with the need of fixing the jar with stiches, they did not agree on wow to fix the jar. Dima wantes to use is cement glue but Don Loll wante it with stiches.
4) As Dima repair the jar with the stiches as Don Loll asked he got sutcked in the bottom of the enormous jar and couldn´t get out from it. This happened because he was doing as asked. If he had done it his way, this wouldn´t have happened.
5) Dima won the dispute because of the very bad temper of Don Pollo. Since he refuses to pay for what Pollo wanted him to pay for him to go out braking the jar. Dima decided to stay there, he made a party with the rest of the employees, who sourrounded the jar and had a lot to drink. This act made Don Pollo very angry and he hismself pushed the jar so it would brake, that is how Zi Dima went out of the jar wihtout paying anything.