Ancient Greek epic poetry is so compelling because it depicts characters and actions that are universal archetypes: a fearless warrior who would rather die young with glory on the battlefield than wait to experience old age in bed (Achilles), a cunning man who is too wise to rush into danger, so he prefers to outsmart other people (Odysseus), a leader who has to make a great personal sacrifice so that his venture may succeed (Agamemnon), etc. Those are types that appear time and time again in all subsequent literature. For example, many characters in George R. R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" novels carry these personal traits. The Dothrakis all have Achilles' mentality. There are many characters there who rely on their intelligence instead of raw masculine strength, such as Odysseus. One of them is Lord Baelish. There is also Eddard Stark, as a figure of a man who has to sacrifice his family's security in order to preserve his military honor.