a) The relationship between weight and distance is called :
Notice that if Weight = W and distance = D, the relation W.D is constant.
In this case W.D = 90,000 and W = 90,000/D or D = 90,000/W
b) To graph let the y-axis be the Weight and x-axis the distance . You will notice a curve, decreasing in Weight & stretching in Distance (like the 1st part of half an U)
c) Estimate the weight the crane can lift at a distance of 18 ft,30 ft and 72 ft.
W.D = 90,000
For D = 18 → W.D = 90,000→ W= 90,000/18 and W = 5,000 lb
For D = 30 → W.D = 90,000→ W= 90,000/30 and W = 3,000 lb
For D = 72 → W.D = 90,000→ W= 90,000/72 and W = 1,250 lb