
The hypothalamus secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (crh) onto the anterior pituitary to stimulate secretion of

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For Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis of endocrine gland secretion, follow the root "CORTI" (C). This will be a great memory tool. Also, nearly all hypothalamic hormones that stimulate anterior pituitary secretion have the word RELEASING (hence "R" in their acronyms). So if asked what secretes CRH, GnRH, TRH, or GHRH... the answer will be the Hypothalamus because of the R.
Now... back to CRH... we're following the "C" for CORTI. What other endocrine hormone has C for CORTI??
ACTH = Adreno[Corti]coTropic Hormone
Which will then stimulate secretion of [Corti]sol (a glucocorticoid), amongst others from the cortex of the adrenal gland. Notice the [Corti] follows the whole pathway from Hypothalamus to adrenal Cortex: Hypothal. (CRH) --> Ant. Pituit. (ACTH) --> Adrenal Cortex (Cortisol)
Sorry this was so long-winded, but I was hoping to help you grasp a portion of how the Endocrine System works!
Good luck and hmu should you have any further Anatomy/Physiology questions.