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He heard the voice of Angel Gabriel and the Angel told him to read a poem. After that, he was made a prophet. He spread the gospel around the world just like Paul did for the Christains. And he was awarded futhermore. He wasn't only a Prophet but also a lawmaker and leader of the ruler of the Muslisms.

Muhammad was born in Mecca, lands of what is now Saudi Arabia, in the year 570.

Each year during Ramadan (the ninth month of the lunar year), Muhammad went to the mountains surrounding Mecca. In the year 610 he went to one of his retreats and his life changed forever.

An Angel who had taken the form of a man appeared before him and ordered him: "reveal in the name of your lord the creator. He created man from a clot of blood, reveal it and your lord will be very generous".

Muhammad was terrified and ran out of the place, while descending from the mountain the Angel returned and said "Oh Muhammad, you are the messenger of God and I am Gabriel". After the revelation Muhammad went where his wife, terrified. She reassured him by letting him know that the words came from God.

Several appearances happened to the first, but he was confused not knowing what message God wanted to convey. From one moment to another the demonstrations stopped and he believed that he was not worthy to maintain communication.

Between the desperation another signal broke the silence. "In the brightness of the morning and in the stillness of the night your master has not betrayed you, nor does he feel disgusted with you. What will follow is better than what has preceded and soon you will be granted that which will please you. "

As the Muhammad apparitions arrived, he wrote them. Thus was born what is now the Koran. With time Arabs from other clans began to embrace the message, and their followers became numerous.