In the word search puzzle provided, you are given English phrases that correspond to Spanish stem-changing verbs. Your task is to find and circle the Spanish words hidden in the puzzle. Here are the Spanish meanings for the given English phrases:
1. I eat lunch - almuerzo
2. You commence - empiezas
3. You hang (informal) - cuelgas
4. We give back - devolvemos
5. They sleep - duermen
6. He begins - empieza
7. I find - encuentro
8. We understand - entendemos
9. I measure - mido
10. You ask for (informal) - pides
11. You all think - pensáis
12. I lose - pierdo
13. You prefer (informal) - prefieres
14. You can (informal) - puedes
15. She wants - quiere
16. You remember (formal) - recuerda
17. You repeat (formal) - repite
18. We follow - seguimos
19. We feel - sentimos
20. They serve - sirven
21. You all have - tenéis
22. You all go back - volvéis
You can use these Spanish words to search and circle in the word puzzle. Stem-changing verbs in Spanish undergo a change in the stem (root) of the verb when conjugated, which can be seen in the different forms of the verbs listed above. This exercise can help reinforce your understanding of stem-changing verbs and their conjugations in Spanish.