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The Korean War was an example of containment because it was a military conflict between North Korea, supported by China and the Soviet Union, and South Korea, supported by the United Nations and the United States. The United States aimed to contain the spread of communism by supporting South Korea and intervening to prevent the entire Korean peninsula from falling under communist control. 1. **Containment Strategy:** The United States, under the policy of containment developed by George F. Kennan, sought to prevent the spread of communism globally. The Korean War was a manifestation of this strategy as the US intervened to stop the communist expansion in Korea. 2. **Success of Containment:** In terms of containment, the Korean War can be seen as partially successful. The war ended in a stalemate with an armistice agreement in 1953, maintaining the division between North and South Korea along the 38th parallel. South Korea remained a non-communist nation, fulfilling the containment objective in that region. 3. **Unresolved Conflict:** However, the Korean War did not fully reunify Korea and did not eliminate the communist threat in the region. North Korea remained a communist state, posing ongoing challenges to regional stability and global security. As such, while containment was successful in preventing the spread of communism to South Korea, it did not eradicate the communist regime in North Korea. In conclusion, the Korean War exemplified the containment policy by aiming to halt the spread of communism in Korea. While successful in preventing the entire peninsula from falling to communism, it did not resolve the underlying conflict and left Korea divided, showcasing the complexities and limitations of containment as a Cold War strategy.