The correct matching of terms to definitions is as follows:
- 01: The water cycle
Explanation: The cyclical process of the changing state and movement of water around the Earth through evaporation, condensation, and precipitation is known as the water cycle.
- 100: Water circulation created by differences in density
Explanation: The type of water circulation created by differences in density is known as thermohaline circulation, which plays a crucial role in the global movement of ocean water.
- 1: The type of energy possessed by moving water
Explanation: The type of energy possessed by moving water is kinetic energy. This energy is associated with the motion of water molecules and is utilized in various forms of hydropower generation.
- 2: Vapor transport
Explanation: Vapor transport refers to the movement of water vapor through the atmosphere, which is a key component of the water cycle as it contributes to the distribution of water across different regions of the Earth.
By understanding these definitions and matching them correctly, you can enhance your knowledge of how water moves and changes states within the Earth's system.