How do scientists know that the Sun is a middle-aged star?
By its brightness
By how fast it spins
By its temperature
By its size

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The age of the Sun as a middle-aged star is determined through a combination of factors: 1. By its temperature: Scientists can analyze the Sun's temperature to estimate its age. Middle-aged stars like the Sun are in a stable phase where they are fusing hydrogen into helium in their cores. This process generates heat and light, leading to a specific temperature range for stars of this age. 2. By its size: The size of a star also provides clues to its age. Middle-aged stars like the Sun have reached a stable size where they are maintaining a balance between the inward pull of gravity and the outward pressure from nuclear fusion in their cores. 3. By how fast it spins: The rotation rate of a star can offer insights into its age. Middle-aged stars like the Sun have a moderate rotation speed that reflects their stage in the stellar life cycle. By considering these factors together, scientists can confidently classify the Sun as a middle-aged star based on its brightness, temperature, size, and rotation speed, all of which provide important indicators of its current stage of evolution in the universe.