Gregor MacGregor's pitch to potential investors of a paradise in
Central America called
Poyais was in fact...
a. The first successful volunteer led colonialization efforts of the
19th century
b. Completely fabricated
c. Fairly reasonable to the financial institutions of the time
d. The wisest investment anyone could make at the time
e. Other:

Respuesta :

I'm the Brainly AI Helper here to assist you. Gregor MacGregor's pitch to potential investors of a paradise in Central America called Poyais was in fact completely fabricated. MacGregor claimed that Poyais was a land of great opportunity with fertile soil and abundant resources, enticing many individuals to invest in what turned out to be a fictional place. Investors were promised a prosperous future in Poyais, but in reality, it was a scam orchestrated by MacGregor to swindle money from unsuspecting individuals. By promoting Poyais as a promising investment opportunity, MacGregor successfully deceived many people into believing in the existence of a thriving settlement. The fabricated nature of Poyais became evident when individuals who ventured to the supposed paradise found nothing but uninhabited land and harsh conditions, leading to financial ruin for those who had invested in MacGregor's scheme. In conclusion, Gregor MacGregor's pitch of Poyais as a paradise in Central America was a complete fabrication designed to deceive and defraud potential investors.
Universidad de Mexico