1. Species or subspecies that is not critically endangered but whose survival in the wild is unlikely to thrive is referred to as **vulnerable**.
2. Certain plant species that maintains the chemical quality of natural water bodies, prevents soil erosion and floods, contributes to the cycling of minerals in soil, and absorbs pollutants are considered **ecological value of species**.
3. The feeling of pleasure derived from the beauty of high biodiversity in a certain area is considered as **aesthetic value of species**.
4. **Biological invasion** happens when an alien species is introduced either intentionally or accidentally, and it competes better than the native species.
5. Philippines has been tagged as one of the "hotspots" in the world for conservation as **70%** of its vegetation has been altered coupled with critically endangered bird and mammalian species.
6. Species considered as **endemic species** are those that naturally occur and found only within specific areas in the country.
7. Plants and animals are being threatened with extinction due to excessive hunting and large scale **habitat destruction**.
8. Republic Act No. **9147** is also known as the "Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act".
9. A healthy biodiversity provides a number of **ecosystem services**, such as protection of water resources and soil formation and protection.
10. A larger number of plant species means a greater variety of crops which ensures natural **resilience** for all life forms.