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Fruits grow through a process called pollination, fertilization, and seed dispersal. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how fruits grow: 1. **Flower Development**: A fruit begins to grow from a flower. The flower contains reproductive organs that are necessary for the formation of fruits. 2. **Pollination**: Pollination occurs when pollen from the male part of the flower (stamen) is transferred to the female part (pistil) of the same or another flower. This can happen through the wind, insects, birds, or other animals. 3. **Fertilization**: After pollination, the pollen fertilizes the ovules within the ovary of the flower. This fertilization process forms seeds within the fruit. 4. **Seed Development**: The fertilized ovules develop into seeds within the ovary of the flower. The ovary then begins to grow and mature into a fruit that surrounds and protects the seeds. 5. **Fruit Maturation**: As the seeds develop within the fruit, the fruit itself grows and matures. Changes in color, size, and texture occur as the fruit ripens. 6. **Seed Dispersal**: Once the fruit is mature, it is ready for seed dispersal. This can happen through various mechanisms like animals eating the fruit and spreading the seeds in their droppings, wind dispersal, or attachment to animals' fur. By following these steps, fruits go through a natural process of growth and development from flowers to mature fruits, ensuring the continuation of plant species through seed dispersal.