Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page: 1. A method concerned with improving the flow of information, through electronic means, to support the delivery of health services and the management of health systems". a. Mhealth b. TeleHealth c. E-health
2. One of the following is an example of electronic health record
a. SmartCare/TenaCare
b. DHIS 2
c. e-HMIS
d. all
3. A process by which a health worker transfers the responsibility of care temporarily or permanently to another health professional or social worker or to the community in response to its inability or limitation to provide the necessary care is
a. Online training
b. referral linkage 4. Mhealth Includes the use of mobile devices in: 5. a. Collecting aggregate and patient-level health data
c. mhealth (mobile health)
b. Providing healthcare information to practitioners, researchers, and patients via Short Message Services (SMS) platforms such as mHero
c. Real-time monitoring of patient vital signs and direct provision of care d. All
4.system not Roles and responsibilities of the referring health professional in referral
a. Should know what, whom, when and where to refer
b. Should fill the referral form with all the necessary information and attach relevant documents
c. Secures result of the referral
d. None