1. John would like to contact several trade associations, but he's not sure where to look for information. What is the most efficient way for John to find the information he wants?
A. Check out hoovers.com.
B. Search the D&B Database.
C. Ask a librarian.
D. Contact the SBA.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 18

4. Calvin and Liz have summarized several lengthy research items for their business plan. In case an investor wants more details on the research, they've also included
A. a file of price quotes and survey results.
B. their mission statement.
C. autobiographies and résumés.
D. their business goals.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 14

5. How should you consider the information you acquire through Internet chat rooms?
A. It's usually the most up-to-date information available.
B. It's clear, unbiased, and specific to your business.
C. It's helpful in discovering your competitor's edge.
D. It can give you leads to places where you can find reliable information.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PAGE 18

6. Rachel plans to set up a beautifully furnished office for her interior decorating business. She will describe it in her business plan under the heading
A. Processes.
B. Inventory.
C. Current Trends.
D. Marketing Profile.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PG 8

7. Information such as parking issues, choice of location, and specialized equipment should be included in the _______ portion of your business plan.
A. overview
B. operating plant
C. business information
D. financial plan
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PAGES 7,8

8. When should you write the introduction and overview portion of your business plan?
A. Well in advance of the rest of the plan
B. Just before listing the business information
C. Last, so all of the most important points are included
D. In a very detailed, wordy style
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PAGE 3

10. Local zoning laws, EPA regulations, and municipal permits or registrations are requirements to be researched and listed in the _______ portion of your business plan.
A. financial
B. operating plant
C. industry
D. introductory
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PAGES 5,7

13. Legal requirements, suppliers and distributors, competitors, and market profiles are contained in the _______ element of your business plan.
A. business information
B. introduction
C. industry
D. operating plant
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect
Reference: PAGES 5,6

15. You've designed the floor plan of your restaurant and an efficient traffic pattern for patrons, servers, and other staff. In your business plan, these actions are called
A. staff evaluations.
B. processes.
C. performance measures.
D. industry standards.
t Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

19. Before you decide whether to use the cost plus model, it's important to thoroughly research
A. competitors' operating processes.
B. profit margins in neighboring states.
C. buying behavior in similar industries.
D. your industry's going rate.

Respuesta :

1. B.
The D&B database contains information of more than 265 million companies all over the world. From this database, one can get all information one needs about any company. Hoovers.com used to do the same business before but it was acquired by D&B in 2003.
4. A
The price quotes was part of the market research that was carried out and it usually contains lengthy information. The survey was also an instrument of research and it contains information gather from the research. These two items will provide more information than the summarized document.
5. D.
Information obtain at chat room are usually topic specific and can assist one in locating the right place where one can get what he is looking for as a result of information obtained.
6. A.
When writing a business plan, the processes section has to be included. The processes section outlines the plans for your operations and how you intend to go about your business. Part of the information that you need to give here is the information about you office location.
7. B
Information such as plant location, parking and specialized equipment are usually included under the operation plant information.
8. C.
Introduction and overview of your business plan should be written last in order to afford you the opportunity of summarizing your strategy effectively.
10. C
Information about the local zoning law, EPA regulations and municipal permits should be included under the industry section; these requirements must be fulfilled before a company can operate.
13. C.
Information about the legal requirements, suppliers, distributors, competitors, etc are usually placed under the industry section of the business plan.
15. B.
The design of floor plan and the description of all other things that involves daily activities in the company fall under the process section.
19. D.
Before you decide on the cost of your product or the cost method you are going to use in your company, it is best to first find out what is happening in the industry you are. Find out the ruling price that is operating in the industry.

1. C

4. A

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. C

10. C

13. C

15. B

19. D

Are the correct answer, Hope I helped :)