1. Who do the men in the clown masks seemingly work for?
2. What crime are they committing?
3. Based on strain theory; what is the goal and the means of the men in the clown masks?
4. What is Harvey Dent's job?
What is Harvey trying to do/prove?
6. Based on the strain theory; what is Harvey's goal and means?
7. What is the Jokers plan?
8. How much of the money does the Joker want?
9. What phrase does the Joker keep repeating?
10. Based on the strain theory; What is the goal and means of the Joker?
11. Based on the strain theory; What is the goal and means of Bruce Wayne/Batman?
12. What does Mr. Fox do for Bruce/Batman?
13. What kind of technology does Mr. Fox use to get info on Lau?
14. Based on conflict theory; What kind of white-collar crime does Lau (Chinese businessman) and
the mob commit?
15. Based on conflict theory; what kind of white-collar crime does Mr. Reece commit against Mr.
16. What happens to the Batman imposter?
17. Based on conflict theory; What kind of blue-collar crime does commit against the fake Batman?