Read the paragraph from "Sixteen" and answer the question.

And that was last Thursday. Tonight is Tuesday. Tonight is Tuesday and my homework is done and I darned some stocking that really didn't need it, and I worked a cross-word puzzle and I listened to the radio and now I'm just sitting. I'm just sitting because I can't think of anything else to do. I can't think of anything, anything but snowflakes and ice skates and a yellow moon and Thursday night. The telephone is sitting on the corner table with its old black face turned to the wall. I don't even jump when it rings any more. My heart still prays but my mind just laughs. Outside the night is still—so still I think I'll go crazy. And so I'm sitting here and I'm not feeling anything. I'm not even sad because all of a sudden I know. I can sit here now and forever and laugh and laugh while the tears run salty in the corners of my mouth. For all of a sudden, I know, I know what the stars knew all the time—he will never , never call—never.

Discuss the author's use of phrases and clauses. Begin by identifying the prepositional phrases and any noun, adjective, and adverbial clauses. How do these phrases and clauses add to or detract from the story being told? Then write at least one sentence evaluating how well the author has varied the sentence structure in the paragraph and the structure's impact on the reader. Your answer should be at least 100 words.

Respuesta :

The fundamental message of the story is that captivation doesn't generally break even with genuine romance. We would all be able to feel for the young lady in the story who is complimented by the young fellow's consideration. He is a quintessential tease; his initially signal is to enclose his arms warmly and defensively around her midriff when he inquires as to whether she minds him skating with her. He takes order of every circumstance, is firmly mindful to her, and converses with her in a private way. The young lady falls hard for him, yet this is just an amusement for somebody who is known as a 'top dog' in school and the 'best artist around the local area.' 
She is infatuated to the point that she trusts him when he says he will call. In any case, she is soon disillusioned and takes in reality that each young person in the long run gets: an ace tease regularly knows how to control the feelings of others further bolstering his good fortune, however it never prompts a promising relationship for the person who trusts. 
Concerning word decision, the creator cunningly utilizes some viable scholarly gadgets to depict the failure and torment of a youthful heart. No where is this more clear than in the last passage. 
Tonight is Tuesday. Tonight is Tuesday and my homework is done and I darned some stocking that truly didn't require it, and I worked a cross-word perplex and I tuned in to the radio and now I'm quite recently sitting. I'm quite recently sitting since I can't consider whatever else to do. 
The utilization of anaphora (as in the words "today around evening time" and 'I') and anadiplosis (as in the expression 'I'm recently sitting') features a great deal of reiteration on the young lady's part; her nervousness is horrendously clear. She is essentially recently captivating in monotonous, careless assignments to relax on the off chance that the young fellow calls. At last, she understands that 
For out of the blue, I know, I realize what the stars knew all the time - he will never, never call - never. 
The redundancy of "never" ( epimone) and "know" features the young lady's mental and enthusiastic anguish. Each "never" resembles a throbbing injury; the young fellow has let her down horrendously, and it harms.