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In the royal colonies, the problem that arose there was that it was not a smooth and fair government.
In a royal colony, officials are appointed and they rule or administer the colony. They are also responsible to the parent state’s reigning sovereign.
Although in general relationship between the British Crown and its 13 colonies was generally pacific, in reality, underneath the surface, there was tension. However, the colonies remained loyal to the Crown almost to the very end, even as the Revolution initiated, as long as the Crown provided for them, and gave them, the rights of British citizens.
However, this changed when King George III decided to back up decisions made by the British Parliament in the late 1700´s, especially in regards to taxation without Parliament having proper representation from American colonials. This change in the situation of government, of representation, began to fuel the anger that had been seething underneath and that had also been generated by the abuses of power from British military officials.
The colonies attempted to maintain the peace, despite the constant abuses and lack of response on the part of the King to their petitions for help. They remained constant and loyal to the Crown and their motherland. However, a series of events that came from the King´s decision to not respond to the requirements of the colonies, especially to recognize their rights as British citizens, particularly the establishment of taxation laws that further abused the colonies, ended up igniting the decision to break away from Britain for good.