Javier works as a bartender at a local pub receiving a weekly paycheck of $262. Additionally, he earns tips which he is allowed to take home every day. On Monday he earned $130 in tips, on Tuesday $62 and on Friday $167. His brother came to visit on Saturday and they decided to go to the amusement parks in the area. Javier spends $201 on admissions, food, and souvenirs. How much money does he have left on Sunday? First find an estimate by rounding each amount to the nearest hundred, and then find the exact amount.

Respuesta :

estimate :
paycheck of 262....rounds to 300

tips :
130.....rounds to 100
62...rounds to 100
167...rounds to 200

total pay : 300 + 100 + 100 + 200 = 700

he spent 201.....rounds to 200
leaving him with (700 - 200) = 500 <== estimate

actual price...
262 + 130 + 62 + 167 - 201 = 621 - 201 = 420 <== actual