he raised taxes , and the gathering was known as the model parliament..To agree to join forces with France and england they had to pay for the soldiers to have food place to stay for them to go to war Congress lacked the money it needed to pay off the government's war debt because of an unbalanced budget. Congress can continue to pay for or extend a war without actually having the money to directly fund it. They taxed the colonists for the expenses they had. That is why many colonists were furious and started to boycott against Britain, which would soon lead up to the Revolutionary War. they are making high tea taxes he built a time travel thing and went and got money what did the british government do to help pay the cost of the french and Indian war never using this again Look at valentines girl by mindless behavior. 1-4-3 Princeton is so hot one with the afro i have on too and people say it's weird but it's ok to be what u want to be