Respuesta :

The answer to this question is the term Abai. The Abai is the traditional men's meeting house in the island of Palau. Palau is located in the western pacific and consist of having a rich culture. The Palau island has a population of almost 17,225.

Hi there! You’re question’s answer is...

On the island of palau in the western pacific a traditional men’s long house is called a Bai!

The “three rooms and one wall screening” style is the most popular and is probably the most complicated. The house is made up of one main room and two long side rooms, which are arranged in a U shape. The front entrance is covered by a fourth wall, known as the “wall screening” or “shining wall”. This wall is designed to reflect light back into the main room at sunset and provide a little extra privacy. This is what is called a Bai.