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Complex carbohydrates contain longer chains of sugar molecules, while simple carbohydrates contain shorter chains. This means that complex carbohydrates take longer to break down and provide a more sustained release of energy, while simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and provide a quick burst of energy. Complex carbohydrates also tend to contain more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than simple carbohydrates.



Complex carbohydrates contain fiber and starch, which are not found in simple carbohydrates. Fiber and starch are types of complex carbohydrates that have different functions and effects on the body.

The selected text is a question that asks about the difference between complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates in terms of their chemical structure. Carbohydrates are molecules that consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. They can be classified into two main types: simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates1.

Simple carbohydrates are also known as sugars. They are composed of one or two sugar units, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and lactose. Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in fruits, milk, and honey, as well as added to many processed foods, such as candy, soda, and baked goods12.

Complex carbohydrates are also known as starches and fiber. They are composed of many sugar units that are linked together in long and/or branched chains, such as amylose, amylopectin, cellulose, and glycogen. Complex carbohydrates are found in foods such as grains, potatoes, beans, and vegetables12.

The main difference between complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates is that complex carbohydrates contain fiber and starch, while simple carbohydrates do not. Fiber and starch are types of complex carbohydrates that have different functions and effects on the body12.

Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested by human enzymes. It helps regulate bowel movements, lower cholesterol levels, and control blood sugar levels. Fiber also makes you feel full longer and prevents overeating. Fiber is found in foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes123.

Starch is a type of complex carbohydrate that can be digested by human enzymes. It is the main source of energy for the body and the brain. Starch is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen, which can be used when needed. Starch is found in foods such as rice, bread, pasta, corn, and potatoes