- Specialization
Positive: There is efficiency in the organization.
Negative: But there is a narrow perspective (limited outlook).
- Hierarchy of offices
Positive: There is a chain of command.
Negative: But there is concealment of mistakes.
- Rules and regulations
Positive: There are known expectations.
Negative: But there is goal displacement, meaning they are forgetting about the goals of the company.
- technical competence
Positive: This reduces the bias.
Negative: But since there are competency, this discourages loyalty.
- Impersonality
Positive: There is no favoritism.
Negative: Peter Principle, meaning the promotion is based on performance rather than ability.
- Formal, written communications
Positive: Through written forms, they accumulate vast files.
Negative: But there is no face-to-face in disseminating the information, lack of emotion.