Soil degradation is the weakening in soil quality that can be a result of many factors, especially from agriculture. Soils hold the widely held of the world's biodiversity, and healthy soils are necessary for food production and an adequate water supply.
1. Soil erosion happens when plants are removed and when you plant on slopes. Erosion usually occurs subsequent to conversion of natural vegetation to agricultural land – carrying away fertile soil as well as fertilizers, pesticides and other agrochemicals. The soil also loses its nutrients when the same crop is planted in the same space multiple times.
2. Excessive Water Consumption use for agriculture is leaving rivers, lakes and underground water foundations dry in many irrigated areas. Unsustainable water use troubles the environment by changing the water table and/or reducing ground water supplies. Extreme irrigation can also increase soil salinity and wash pollutants and sediment into rivers – causing harm to freshwater ecosystems and species as well as those further downstream, including coral reefs and coastal fish breeding grounds.