Escoge la selección que coincide con la palabra filántropa. Choose the selection that matches the word filántropa.

Eva Longoria es la portavoz tejana de la organización PADRES Contra El Cáncer. También fundó la fundación benéfica Eva's Heroes para niños, y participó en una película sobre la situación difícil de niños migrantes trabajando.
Ellen Ochoa, astronauta e ingeniera de herencia mexicana, es una heroína para muchas mujeres. Ella es la primera astronauta femenina hispana y la primera mujer hispana en navegar al espacio. Su puesto especial de trabajo era de utilizar brazos robóticos y mandarlos al espacio para capturar un pequeño satélite, y fue a cuatro misiones al espacio.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, de herencia cubana, es representante del Congreso estadounidense para el estado de la Florida. Tuvo que huir de Cuba con su familia cuando era niña para escapar el régimen comunista de Fidel Castro. Era profesora y fundó una escuela primaria bilingüe antes de ser representante. Es defensora de la educación y de los derechos de la mujer.
Nancy Lopez es una atleta chicana profesional de golf quien ganó cinco torneos consecutivos en su primer año como golfista. También es conocida por ser una persona muy amable que siempre muestra afecto y amor por todos sus fanáticos.

Respuesta :

Eva Longoria is the Texan spokesperson for the organization PARENTS Against Cancer. He also founded the charitable foundation Eva's Heroes for children and participated in a film about the difficult situation of working migrant children. children, and participated in a film about the difficult situation of working migrant children. Ellen Ochoa, astronaut, and engineer of Mexican heritage is a heroine for many women. She is the first Hispanic female astronaut and the first Hispanic woman to sail into space. His special job was to use robotic arms and send them into space to capture a small satellite, and he went to four missions to space.andengineer of Mexican heritage, is a heroine for many women. She is the first Hispanic female astronaut and the first Hispanic woman to sail into space. His special job was to use robotic arms and send them into space to capture a small satellitesatellite, and went to four missions to space.Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, of Cuban heritage, is a representative of the US Congress for the state of Florida. She had to flee from Cuba with her family as a child to escape the communist regime of Fidel Castro. She was a teacher and founded a bilingual elementary school before becoming a representative. She is an advocate for education and women's rights. Nancy Lopez is a professional Chicano golf athlete who won five consecutive tournaments in her first year as a golfer. She is also known for being a very kind person who always shows affection and love for all her fans.Report by Gabiglopes03 17.08.2017Your answer (QUIT)Jenaveewiench Helping Hand