Question 4: A psychological study aimed to investigate the relationship between a person’s attitude with his/ her perception of human faces. 165 subjects were asked to judge the attributes of each of the two unknown faces. It was proven that manipulated attitude significantly influences the judgment of facial dimensions that are evaluatively loaded (e.g., smiling or frowning mouth). a. Do you think this study is descriptive or inferential? Explain your answer. b. If, in fact, the study is inferential, identify the sample and population.

Respuesta :


a. The study is inferential. This is because it goes beyond simply describing the characteristics of the 165 subjects; it draws conclusions about the broader population based on the results observed in the sample. The study aims to infer or generalize the findings from the sample to the larger population.

b. The sample in this study is the 165 subjects who participated in the investigation. The population, in this case, would be the larger group from which these 165 subjects were drawn or the group to which the researchers want to generalize their findings. The researchers would aim to make inferences about attitudes and perceptions of human faces in the broader population based on the results obtained from the sample of 165 subjects.

So what what should i do what do u want