Respuesta :
The exact numbers are: 4 choices, 3 lbs, 56.00 s.
Further Explanation:
exact number:
A precise number is a worth that is known with complete conviction. Instances of precise numbers are checked quantities of items or certain unit transformations. For instance, there are actually 3 feet in 1 yard. There are actually 12 eggs in twelve.
fraction an exact number:
In the event that you do math with careful numbers (and they aren't excessively enormous) the appropriate response that you get back is actually right. In Maple, levelheaded numbers (whole numbers and parts) are precise. In the event that you do number-crunching with sane numbers, your answer will be right to the last digit. Here are a few models.
weight an exact number:
The heaviness of a specific example is 0.825 g, yet it might really be 0.828 g or 0.821 g in light of the fact that there is innate vulnerability included. Then again, in light of the fact that accurate numbers are not estimated, they have no vulnerability and an interminable quantities of critical figures.
amount is an exact number:
Accurate numbers are those that have characterized values or are whole numbers that come about because of tallying quantities of articles.
Subject: mathematics
Level: college
Keywords: exact number, fraction an exact number, weight an exact number, amount is an exact number.
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