A 63-year-old woman with a history of migraines presents with confusion. She was swimming in the ocean and when she emerged, she asked her sister how she had gotten there. She seemed confused and asked repeated questions. Her sister brought her to the emergency room. On examination, vital signs are normal, carotid bruits are absent, and she has a normal cardiac rhythm. She is oriented to her full name and the year, but cannot name the exact date or the hospital. She is attentive and fluent, but repeats questions several times during the interview and cannot recall any of five items presented to her 5 minutes earlier. Her memory of remote events is intact. The remainder of her examination is normal. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain reveals punctate foci of restricted diffusion in the bilateral hippocampi (A). Electrocardiogram, magnetic resonance angiogram of the head and neck, and electroencephalogram are normal. After 6 hours in the emergency room, the patient begins to return to her baseline and retains new information presented to her, although she does not recall anything from the previous 10 hours. Which of the following treatments is most appropriate?

A. clopidogrel
B. ketorolac
C. no treatment
D. phenytoin
E. thiamine