
Subject early childhood in language arts
Chapter 15
Questions to Ponder?
1.What does the teacher know about Mackenzie’s literary development?
2. What course of action might Mackenzie’s teacher pursue?

Respuesta :

1. The teacher knows that Mackenzie is struggling with her literary development, as she is having difficulty with reading and writing tasks. The teacher may have observed Mackenzie's struggles with phonemic awareness, decoding skills, comprehension, or other aspects of literacy.

2. The teacher might pursue several courses of action to support Mackenzie's literary development. This could include providing targeted instruction and interventions to address Mackenzie's specific areas of need, collaborating with reading specialists or other educators to develop a personalized literacy plan for Mackenzie, involving Mackenzie's parents or caregivers in supporting her literacy development at home, and seeking out additional resources or professional development to enhance the teacher's own knowledge and skills in supporting struggling readers and writers.