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Certainly! An EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary) and IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) analysis involves identifying and evaluating external and internal factors that can impact a company's performance. Below is a simplified example for Honda Civic. Please note that the factors and weights are for illustrative purposes, and you may need to conduct a more in-depth analysis for accurate information.

### EFAS Table for Honda Civic:

| External Factors           | Weight (1-5) | Rating (1-4) | Weighted Score |

| -------------------------- | ------------ | ------------ | -------------- |

| 1. Economic Conditions     | 0.15         | 3            | 0.45           |

| 2. Fuel Prices             | 0.10         | 4            | 0.40           |

| 3. Technological Trends    | 0.20         | 5            | 1.00           |

| 4. Regulatory Environment  | 0.15         | 3            | 0.45           |

| 5. Consumer Preferences    | 0.15         | 4            | 0.60           |

| 6. Competition in the Market| 0.15        | 4            | 0.60           |

| **Total**                  | **1.00**     |              | **3.50**       |

### IFAS Table for Honda Civic:

| Internal Factors              | Weight (1-5) | Rating (1-4) | Weighted Score |

| ----------------------------- | ------------ | ------------ | -------------- |

| 1. Brand Reputation           | 0.15         | 4            | 0.60           |

| 2. Research and Development   | 0.20         | 5            | 1.00           |

| 3. Manufacturing Efficiency   | 0.15         | 4            | 0.60           |

| 4. Quality of Components      | 0.20         | 4            | 0.80           |

| 5. Marketing Strategy         | 0.15         | 3            | 0.45           |

| 6. Supply Chain Management    | 0.15         | 4            | 0.60           |

| **Total**                     | **1.00**     |              | **4.05**       |

In this example:

- EFAS considers external factors such as economic conditions, fuel prices, technological trends, regulatory environment, consumer preferences, and competition.

- IFAS considers internal factors such as brand reputation, research and development, manufacturing efficiency, quality of components, marketing strategy, and supply chain management.

The weights reflect the relative importance of each factor, and ratings indicate the company's performance or the impact of each factor. The weighted scores help in assessing the overall strategic position of Honda Civic. Keep in mind that this is a simplified example, and you may need to adjust the weights and ratings based on a more detailed analysis and current information.