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1.In John Steinbeck's story “The Grapes of Wrath '' Chapter nine shows the hard time that thefarmers and tenants went through when they were forced to leave their homes and move west.Steinbeck uses tone and syntax to effectively show the bitterness and remorsefulness thepeople felt.The chapter draws a picture of the desperate measures the tenants took by sellingwhatever of their belongings they could. Steinbeck's use of tone and syntax highlighted the difficulties farmers and tenants faced during the great depression and dust bowl.
Steinbeck's choice of words in chapter nine contribute to the overall tone of giving up andremorsefulness. The words used like “spoiled”, “junk”, and “bitterness” deliver a sense of lossand disappointment. One example of this is when Steinbeck describes the men as “ruthlessbecause the past had been spoiled” it really put the spotlight on the sad reality the tenants werefacing. The choice of words used by Steinbeck such as “spoiled” hinted that their lifestyle hadbeen ruined which inherently left them with no choice but to take desperate measures. Inaddition to this the word “junk” emphasizes how their belonging became worthless which againwas because of how their life had been spoiled. Through these words Steinbeck effectively wasable to draw a picture for me as a reader of the harsh reality the farmers and tenants faced.
John Steinbeck uses syntaxes in his writing to contribute to the overall tone in the chapter. Forexample the sentence “-Bring out those tools—get a few dollars for them.” shows the pressure
the farmers and tenants were under to sell their belongings to get whatever money they can.Another example is the sentence "The men were ruthless because the past had been spoiled,but the women knew how the past would cry to them in the coming days.". This shows how themen and women felt because of what was happening. The comparison of the women'sunderstanding of the hard times and the mens ruthlessness just shows how it was affectingthem to leave their homes. This leaves the reader sympathizing with the farmers and tenantsbecause of the tone Steinbeck created with these syntaxes.
Overall Steinbeck's goal in the story was to highlight the harsh measures tenants and farmershad to go through because of the great depression and dust bowl. But although the measureswere harsh, people tried to do what they could to survive during those hard times. Even if thesethings meant that they had to sell their belongings for whatever money they could get.Steinbeck's writing portrayed the desperation the people felt because of what was happeningand he really shows this in the chapter. His specific word use helps me understand what thesepeople were feeling and going through during the great depression and dust bowl.
In conclusion Steinbeck uses syntax and tone effectively to show the hardship that the farmersand tenants faced during the great depression and dust bowl. The chapter really captures thedesperation and harsh reality the people went through. Having to move west and sellingwhatever belonging you had for money was truly a sad reality these farmers and tenants faced.Steinbeck did a great job at showing the peoples urgency to survive although they felt bitterabout what they were going through