The beginnings of the movement to eliminate the trans-Atlantic slave trade can be traced to the Response area. People like Response area and Voltaire wrote of their dislike of slavery and the slave trade, holding it counter to the ideals of the movement. Arguably, the biggest event to spur the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade was the revolution in Response area. This coincided with the effects of the revolution in Response area- the colonial power there- and it successfully gained independence for the country. This frightened many slave-trading countries into taking action. Response area was the country that led the way. William Wilberforce- an abolitionist and political leader- successfully convinced the government to ban the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1807. Other European countries and those in the America’s would follow suit. The country of Response area- the recipient of more slaves from Africa than any Atlantic nation- would be the last country to eliminate the trans-Atlantic slavery decades later.