A car lift has an output piston size of 5 inches in diameter. How much hydraulic pressure is required in the system to lift a 8500lb car?
2. A force of 100lbs is applied to the input piston of a jack. The input piston has an diameter of 1.5 inches. How much pressure is created in this hydraulics system?
3. For the hydraulic system in problem 2, how much weight can be lifted by the jack, if the output piston is 8 inches in diameter.
4. Assume a person is able to apply a maximum of 85lbs to the input piston of a car jack. The jack must be able to lift up to 6000lbs. If the jack’s output piston is 4inches in diameter. How big must the input piston be for this jack?
5. What is the pressure generated in the hydraulic fluid of Problem 4, to lift the maximum weight of 6000 lbs?