Option D, vulvar pain
Vulvodynia as a term consists of two root phrases, vulv/o- and -dynia. Vulv/o- refers to the vulva, the external structures of the female genitalia, including mainly the mons pubis, labia majora and minora, the urethral and vaginal openings, potentially the hymen, and the beaded structure atop the hood of the labia minora. -Dynia, from the Greek word odyne, refers to pain. From this, we derive the definition of the word and its hallmark clinical manifestations; vulvodynia is accompanied by vulvar pain, option D.
Vulvodynia is a condition in which a person experiences idiopathic (no exact cause), intermittent or constant vulvar pain or discomfort over a span of at least 3 months to a point where long-term sitting, intercourse, and other previously enjoyable activities are avoided because of the discomfort. The pain can be described as burning, stinging, irritation, sore, raw, and sharp. Vulvar tissue may appear inflamed or swollen and the patient may report a throbbing sensation. Because the condition occurs in such an intimate area, these patients may be too embarrassed to seek treatment, muddying estimates of its commonality and leading to anxiety, stress, and depression in some patients. These patients should be made aware, though, that nonjudgmental aid is available for them to have their condition cared after.