A cell goes through cellular respiration and produces ATP which it then uses to move a molecule across the cell membrane. How does the energy in the original glucose molecule change during this process?

Respuesta :

The answer to your question is : the glucose in the kinetic energy is stored in potential energy in the ATP. After the kinetic energy would be released when the molecule moves across the cell membrane.

Hope this helps you!

Answer: Cellular respiration is a metabolic process that involves the oxidation of biological fuel (glucose) in presence of inorganic electron acceptor ( oxygen) in order to release large amount of energy in the form of ATP( adenosine triphosphate) that is upto 38 molecules.

CO₂ and H₂O are produced as waste products. The energy from ATP is utilized for various cellular activities.

The energy from glucose is changed to ATP through a series of metabolic reactions that occur in three phases that is glycolysis, kreb cycle, and electron transport chain.