An African American woman, Rosa Parks, was jailed in 1955 for not giving up her seat on a bus for white people who boarded after her. Why was Rosa Parks jailed

Respuesta :

Rosa was jailed for not following the black codes that stated she must sit at the back of the bus, behind all the white people inside. Rosa wanted to stand up for her race, so she didn't move to the back.

In 1955, there were several unfair racial laws. These laws allowed African Americans to use public services and features, but they were required to give up the service/feature to white Americans who needed to use it. 

Rosa Parks, an African American woman, simply took a seat on a bus. When a white man later asked for her seat, she refused to give up her spot. This ultimately lead to her arrest because she was required to give her seat to the white person.

I hope this helps answer your question!