What specific programs did Roosevelt create that fall under the Three Rs?
Several programs were created to aid in the three-pronged mission of the New Deal.
Reform: To prevent future economic troubles, Roosevelt created the Emergency Banking Relief Act, which reformed the banking system and forced banks to remain closed unless able to meet the bank patrons’ demands. Later he also created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which caused the government to insure all savings that were placed in banks.
Recovery: Roosevelt created the National Industrial Recovery Act, which set rules and standards within industries concerning issues such as wages, production, working conditions, and price-cutting.
Relief: Several relief programs were created to aid the jobless. To promote demand within the agricultural industry, the Agricultural Adjustment Act paid farmers not to grow certain crops and to destroy others. The Civilian Conservation Corps paid laborers one dollar a day to help build bridges, plant trees, and complete other public improvement projects. The Works Progress Administration paid the jobless to build schools, hospitals, and parks. It also paid artists to paint public murals and perform in public theaters.