The text discusses the plight of the irish immigrants in the united states in the late 1800s, when vicious, racially motivated attacks were directed toward them. in 2014, there was a series of angry demonstrations in waterford, a town in ireland, directed against the roma (formerly referred to as gypsies). the irony of the attacks on the roma in waterford is that, like the anti-irish attacks in the united states, they are an example of

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They are an example of racism. Governments consistently referred to insignificant burglary conferred by Romani as legitimization for controlling and abusing them. In 1899, the Nachrichtendienst in Bezug auf kick the bucket Zigeuner (Intelligence Service Regarding the Gypsies) was set up in Munich under the course of Alfred Dillmann and recorded information on every single Romani individual all through the German-talking lands. It didn't formally shut down until 1970. The outcomes were distributed in 1905 in Dillmann's Zigeuner-Buch, which was utilized as a part of the next years as an avocation for the Porajmos. It depicted the Romani individuals as a "torment" and a "hazard", however only portrayed "Wanderer wrongdoing" as trespassing and the burglary of nourishment.