Which similarities do the father and son in The Metamorphosis share with Kafka and his father?

A. Both sons are rude, and their fathers are powerless to control them.
B. Both fathers are violent and negative, while the sons are weaker and powerless.
C. Both fathers think highly of their sons, but the sons don't like their fathers.
D. Both sons have jobs they dislike, but their fathers tell them to keep working.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is B. Both sons are under immense pressure to provide for their families and become businessmen, while their personal preferences lie elsewhere. They are incapable of resisting their fathers' imposing and authoritative attitudes. That is why Gregor symbolically transforms into a disgusting insect and eventually dies, incapable of dealing with his own anxiety and the family's hostility. Kafka's father reportedly beat him. So does Gregor's father, who throws an apple, which gets stuck in his back and makes him unable to move.


B. Both fathers are violent and negative while the sons are weaker and powerless


Correct answer for Apex quiz : )