In addition to an all-round white light, what light(s) must power-driven vessels less than 65.6 feet (20 meters) long exhibit when underway between sunset and sunrise?

Respuesta :

The vessel must also have red and green side lights.

The red light is placed on the port (left) side of the boat while the green light is placed on the starboard (right) side of the vehicle. The white lights are on both the masthead (front) and stern (rear) of the boat, unless the vessel is less than 39.4 feet, in which case the front and rear white light may be combined as only one white light.

In addition to an all-round white light, combination light(s) must power-driven vessels less than 65.6 feet (20 meters) long exhibit when underway between sunset and sunrise

Further explanation

Lights required for power-driven vessels less than 65.6 feet when underway. Power-driven vessel means the any vessel propelled by machinery. The LED Combination light is designed with all functions needed for trucks, trailers & agricultural equipment.

If less than 65.6 feet long, vessels must exhibit the lights. Power-driven vessels include sailboats operating under engine power.

The required lights are:

  1. Red and green sidelights that visible from a distance of at least two miles away, or if less than 39.4 feet long, at least one mile away on a dark, clear night.
  2. An all-round white light if vessel is less than 39.4 feet long, or both a masthead light and a sternlight. These lights must be visible from a distance of at least two miles away on a dark, clear night. The all-round white light must be at least 3.3 feet above your sidelights. When not underway, this all-round combination light can also be used as an anchor light.
  3. No other lights, including docking lights may be used which can be mistaken for or interfere with those required above.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about combination light
  2. Learn more about white light
  3. Learn more about power-driven vessels

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  physics

Chapter:  Lights

Keywords: power-driven vessels, white light, combination light, sunset, sunrise