Letter to George III, 1793" by Emperor Qian Long:
[S]upposing that other nations were all to imitate your evil example and beseech me to present them each and all with a site for trading purposes, how could I possibly comply? This also is a flagrant infringement of the usage of my Empire and cannot possibly be entertained. . . . [T]he barbarian merchants of Europe have had a definite locality assigned to them at Aomen for residence and trade, and have been forbidden to encroach an inch beyond the limits assigned to that locality.

A. China will engage in colonialism; the Chinese consider people from other nations easy to control.

B. China will resist trade; the Chinese consider people from other nations to be inferior.

C. China will accept some nonviolent colonialism; the Chinese consider foreign trade unnecessary.

D. China will welcome England; the Chinese consider Britain superior to other nations

Which two ideas about colonialism are most clearly expressed in this excerpt?

Respuesta :

B. China will resist trade; the Chinese consider people from other nations to be inferior.. on apex