Which research question would be most appropriate for a four- to five-page research paper?

What is the major emotional reaction of victims to bullying?
Are elementary schools currently effective in addressing bullying?
Why does bullying exist?
What is the most popular method of bullying on the Internet?

Respuesta :

I feel as if this is more of an opinion. Although I would stick with the second option because it would have the most things to talk about and have the most evidence. Hope this helped!
I would say the last one. The first two are dependent on the individual, and the school. The third is too general and difficult to find real statistics on. Honestly a better topic would be "Why" is cyber bullying the most popular method of bullying. You could do a whole section on comparing the amount of people who have experienced bullying in person vs. online. Another section on the different types of bullying used online, and many other ideas.