
Jose and Karl were both exposed to the influenza virus at work. Jose had a flu shot made from killed influenza virus six weeks ago, but Karl has not gotten around to getting his vaccinations yet. Are they likely to get sick from this exposure to the virus, and what is likely to happen if they are exposed to it again?

A) Both Karl and Jose are likely to get sick this time since Jose's vaccine was dead, but neither will get it again once they acquire active immunity.

Karl will get sick and Jose will not this time, but neither will get this influenza again since they both will have acquired active immunity to it.

Karl will get sick and Jose will not this time, but Jose will be more likely to get it later since his immunity will be less recent than Karl's.

Both Karl and Jose will get sick this time since Jose's immunity has had time to wear off, but Karl is more likely to get it again since he has only been exposed once.