Respuesta :

Breaking and entering to steal valuables are not a terrorist method of surveillances. Moreover, there are four terrorist methods of surveillance.


Terrorists conduct surveillance to collect information about a target that can be utilized to make detailed attack plans. Criminals can conduct surveillance to decide the time and place to commit theft. In both cases, the monitoring target can be an individual, a facility, or an asset.

Surveillance may be done over a long period of time and use various methods:

Stationary surveillance: a general method in which operatives detect from a fixed location.  

• Operatives try to merge in by doing normal tasks

• Operatives may search for recruit help personnel with access to residences or installations

Moving surveillance: controlled on foot or in vehicles, commonly in teams.  

• Vehicle surveillance may involve one or more vehicles

• Commonly, utilizes two or more people, one person driving while the others observing

Operatives may not often be behindhand you; once your customs are learned, they may be visible in front of you.  Altering your routes and customs can dislocate surveillance efforts.

Supplementary surveillance methods include:

Technical surveillance: utilizes electronic means to gain or record access to safety information.

• May utilize still and video cameras such as cell phones

• May obtain access to safety information on the internet

Casual questioning: utilized to provoke safety information from available personnel.  

• Operatives may present themselves as friendly and non-threatening

• Terrorists may utilize unknowing operatives who do not comprehend the intention of the information they are asked to collect

• Operatives may utilize the opposite sex members to collect access to facilities and gather information

Awareness of terrorist surveillance methods can support you see and react to surveillance.  


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

• Which best defines counterterrorism?

• One way that entities can cooperate with counterterrorism policies is by?

KEYWORDS : terrorist method of surveillance, antiterrorism, counterterrorism

Subject  : Social Studies

Class  : 10-12

Sub-Chapter : Antiterrorism Scenario Training

Breaking to steal valuables.

Further Explanation:

Counter-terrorism is also called anti terrorism that includes practice, techniques and strategies that government and military used to combat and prevent terrorism. The government use their power to neutralize the terrorists and its organization, networks. The render them incapable to coerce the government and instil fear which is the basic terrorist's goal. In the United States they used the armed forces to suppress the insurgency and use the term for internal defence. According to the anti terrorism Scenario training, the best rooms need not be directly next to the emergency exits. We need to understand the threats by the terrorist and also lower the vulnerability. There need to recognize the responses to the threat actions. We need to be alert of the threat, aware of our surroundings.  

All citizens must report the suspicious activity to the police. We need to be aware of the terrorist target. Avoid the target areas. Some of the target areas are bus stops, clubs, hotels. Some of the protection measures are ID checks, vehicle inspection, patrols,. We need to be a team player and do planning ahead and thus keep our profile low.  

There need to be a random vehicle checking and increase the crime prevention efforts, identify the potential terrorist. People should participate in the awareness training programs of the government. We need to understand the basic security measures. Surveillance, test of security and deploying assets are some of the measures which can be adopted.

Learn More:

1. violence has declined in northern ireland because terrorist

2. what the south african government is doing to promote equal access to basic services

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Social Science


Vulnerability, suspicious activity, terrorist target, target areas, ID checks, vehicle inspection, patrols, basic security measures.