This is an excellent practice on the law of inclusion/exclusion. For example, using | | to represent cardinality (i.e. count in the set) |A∪B∪C|=|A|+|B|+|C|-|A∩B|-|B∩C|-|C∩A|+|A∩B∩C|. I am not allowed to provide a link, but if you could use some additional reading, google "wiki Inclusion–exclusion_principle" and the first wiki entry should explain that in more detail.
Here we have A=the set of 15bit numbers starting with 101xxxx... B=the set of 15bit numbers starting with xx1010xxxx... C=the set of 15bit numbers ending with xxxxxxxxxxx1001 A∩B=101010xxxxx B∩C=101xxxxx...xxx1001 C∩A=xx1010xx...xxx1001 A∩B∩C=101010xxxxx1001