Running in slow motion. She must go faster, her legs are rocks, she is dragging them and then she is in the water, diving, gasping, down, under, eyes open, arms out stretching, searching, empty, up for air, screaming ‘Help!’, swallowing and choking, then under again, into the swirl of the waves, the water thick, roaring in her ears, blocking her but clear and clean and she sees floating down a flash of white and thrusts towards it, grabbing and pulling, bubbles coming from a tiny mouth, hair weed flowing from a tiny head and out of the water bursting, gasping, holding her daughter in her arms and crying and hugging and struggling to the shore, she puts the little body flat on the sand and wipes the hair from the face. Source: Reddaway, Clare. “Swimming Away.” Hyperfiction, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. In this excerpt, the author purposefully breaks the rules of __________ in order to capture the frantic experience of a mother diving into the ocean to save her daughter from drowning.

A) diction
B) imagery
C) voice
D) syntax